Published 25 Tháng mười hai 2009

  English | Español 

Workshop on sustainable wildlife management in Mexico

Guanajuato, México—This week a workshop to discuss issues around sustainable use of wildlife took place, organised by TRAFFIC and Mexican government agency SEMARNAT, together with Guanajuato State's Institute of Ecology, and funded by the UK Government's Sustainable Development Dialogue. 

Meeting participants received training on legislation, management, habitat management and productive activities related to wildlife management practices. It was part of a wider programme to integrate biobiversity conservation into production and socio-economic development in the rural sector.

Attendees included agricultural and forestry producers, owners and technical managers, civil servants, and other stakeholders related to the investment, conservation, exploitation and commercialisation of wildlife.

TRAFFIC involvement came as part of a two-year project financed by the UK Government through the British Embassy in Mexico that aims to promote enhanced implementation of national legislation on wildlife issues by strengthening the capacities of government agents responsible for the management of conservation and sustainable management of wildlife in the country.