: 2608 pages found
In-depth Reports
- (Sep 2016): Helmeted Hornbill trade in Lao PDR
- (Sep 2016): Observations on the illegal pangolin trade in Lao PDR
- (Sep 2016): An overview of pangolin trade in China
- (Sep 2016): Malaysia’s invisible ivory channel: An assessment of ivory seizures involving Malaysia from January 2003-May 2014
- (Aug 2016): UK ivory markets
- (Aug 2016): In the market for extinction: eastern and central Java
- (Jul 2016): Changing behaviour to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products
- (Jul 2016): Illegal Otter Trade: An Analysis of Seizures in Selected Asian Countries
- (Jun 2016): RhODIS Collaborative action planning workshop proceedings
- (Jun 2016): Workshop Proceedings: support of the Implementation of National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs) in Central Africa
- (May 2016): Drivers and trends of transnational wildlife crime in Kenya
- (Apr 2016): Setting Suns: the Historical Decline of Ivory and Rhino Horn Markets in Japan
- (Apr 2016): An Investigation into the Trade of Nautilus
- (Mar 2016): Humphead Wrasse Cheilinus undulatus trade into and through Hong Kong
- (Mar 2016): A Rapid Assessment on the use of Facebook to Trade Wildlife in Peninsular Malaysia
- (Mar 2016): Monitoring lizards: using stable isotope analysis to determine the origin of monitor lizard Varanus spp. skins
- (Feb 2016): Sustainable Sourcing: Markets for Certified Chinese Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- (Jan 2016): Traceability Systems in the CITES Context: Experiences, Best Practices and Lessons Learned for the Traceability of Commodities of CITES-listed Shark species
- (Nov 2015): Deadly Messaging: Ivory Trade in China’s Social Media
- (Nov 2015): Adding up the numbers: An investigation into commercial breeding of Tokay Geckos in Indonesia
- (Nov 2015): Illegal trade of ornamental orchids in mainland Southeast Asia
- (Nov 2015): Collaborative actions along transportation and supply chains
- (Sep 2015): In the Market for Extinction: An inventory of Jakarta’s bird markets
- (Jul 2015): Bones of Contention: South African trade in African Lion bones and other body parts
- (Jul 2015): TRAFFIC的研究揭露變幻萬千的鰻魚貿易
- (Jul 2015): Engaging China's private sector in sustainable management of medicinal plants—the multiplier effect
- (Jun 2015): A review of online ivory trade in Japan
- (May 2015): 调查发现,含有熊胆制品的药物在马来西亚唾手可得
- (Mar 2015): Breaking the Ice: International trade in Narwhals, in the context of a changing Arctic
- (Mar 2015): Moving targets: Tracking online sales of illegal wildlife products in China
- (Dec 2014): Traditional and Wild: Revitalising traditions of sustainable wild plant harvesting in Central Europe
- (Nov 2014): Hauling out: International trade and management of Walrus
- (Nov 2014): TRAFFIC研究顯示菲律賓鰻魚貿易的變化
- (Oct 2014): South Africa's Illicit Abalone Trade: An updated overview and knowledge gap analysis
- (Oct 2014): Assessing The Trade In Pig-Nosed Turtles in Papua, Indonesia
- (Sep 2014): Illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn: an assessment to improve law enforcement
- (Sep 2014): Seizures of tortoises and freshwater turtles in Thailand 2008–2013
- (Sep 2014): Keeping an ear to the ground: Monitoring the trade in earless monitor lizards
- (Aug 2014): 亚洲在过去12年间大约有相当于2800头熊的活体或器官被查获
- (Jul 2014): An assessment of the live elephant trade in Thailand
- (Jul 2014): Polishing off the ivory trade: Surveys of Thailand's ivory market
- (Jul 2014): Trophy Hunting of CITES-listed species in Central Asia
- (Jul 2014): A Framework for CITES non-detriment findings for hunting trophies with a focus on Argali Ovis ammon
- (Jul 2014): Wildlife trade in the Eurasian Customs Union and in selected Central Asian countries
- (May 2014): Escalating Black Spotted Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii trade in Asia: a study of seizures
- (Aug 2013): An overview of shark utilization in the Coral Triangle region (Chinese version)
- (Jul 2013): Into the deep: Implementing CITES measures for commercially-valuable sharks and manta rays
- (Jun 2013): Illegal caviar trade in Bulgaria and Romania
- (Apr 2013): The Trade in Tokay Geckos in South-East Asia: With a case study on Novel Medicinal Claims in Peninsular Malaysia
- (Mar 2013): Trade in Japanese Endemic Reptiles in China
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