Ranger from the Kenya Wildlife Service with rhino horn confiscated from poachers, Nairobi, Kenya © / Mark Carwardine / WWF

Illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn

Ranger from the Kenya Wildlife Service with rhino horn confiscated from poachers, Nairobi, Kenya © / Mark Carwardine / WWF


Published 22 September 2014


New report identifies actions needed to curtail illegal ivory and rhino horn trafficking


Washington DC, 22nd September 2014—Illegal rhino horn trade has reached the highest levels since the early 1990s, and illegal trade in ivory increased by nearly 300 percent from 1998 to 2011, according to a new report by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) partner TRAFFIC.

Illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn: an assessment to improve law enforcement

Report author(s):
Tom Miliken

Publication date:
September 2014


For further information, please see:
●    Illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn: an assessment to improve law enforcement (PDF, 3 MB) 
●    What USAID is doing to combat wildlife trafficking:
●    U.S. National Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking:

About Wildlife TRAPS

The USAID-funded Wildlife Trafficking, Response, Assessment and Priority Setting (Wildlife TRAPS) Project is an initiative that is designed to secure a transformation in the level of co-operation between an international community of stakeholders who are impacted by illegal wildlife trade between Africa and Asia. The project is designed to increase understanding of the true character and scale of the response required, to set priorities, identify intervention points, and test non-traditional approaches with project partners.


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is responsible for the majority of overseas development assistance from the United States Government and works to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing security and prosperity for America and the world.