EU IS hub for illegal trade
in protected wild species, report finds

Published 16 Tháng tư 2024


An Overview of Seizures of CITES-listed Wildlife in the EU in 2022

This briefing aims to provide an overview of all CITES-related seizures reported by the Member States of the European Union (EU) for the 12 months from January to December 2022.

EU is hub for illegal trade in protected wild species, report finds

Report author(s):
Kathy Rock and Jon Garcia

Publication date:
April 2024

About European Commission

The European Commission promotes the general interest of the EU by proposing and enforcing legislation as well as by implementing policies and the EU budget.

About EU-TWIX (European - Trade in Wildlife Information eXchange)

The EU-TWIX database contains centralised data on seizures and offences reported by all 27 EU Member States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. The EU-TWIX database has been developed to assist national law enforcement agencies, including CITES Management Authorities and prosecutors, in their task of detecting, analysing and monitoring illegal activities related to trade in fauna and flora covered by the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)