TRAFFIC supports environmental education in Yaoundé primary schools
Yaoundé, Cameroon, 12th May 2010—environmental education lessons for more than 100 children were held this week in two primary schools in the Cameroonian capital.Douala.

TRAFFIC approached the heads of the schools and asked for their support to help promote messages about sustainable use of natural resources.
Each environmental education session lasted two hours and used as its focus a comic strip on biodiversity use that had been produced by TRAFFIC with funding from WWF Poland. Students were then engaged in a game of questions and answers to test their understanding:those who answered correctly were rewarded wuth sweets, inflatable balloons and / or the comic strip itself.
The comic strip "don't touch my biodiversity", presents in a simple way the interaction between various elements of biodiversity, and how people must be careful in the way their use they manage wild resources.
Mrs. Ndoumou Régine, one of the teachers, remarked that it was the first time in her career such an event had taken place.