TRAFFIC takes deliberate action to work in partnership to maximise our conservation impact, and influence key target audiences on behalf of trade in wild species and the people who depend on them.
Key partners include our founding members, WWF and IUCN, and other NGOs, government agencies, business and corporate leaders, and inter-governmental organisations such as CITES and CBD. In some cases these collaborations are formalised under formal co-operation or partnership agreements. Below is a selection of organisations we work with.
founding organisations
We have an ongoing partnership with our founding organisations.
TRAFFIC, WWF and IUCN work closely on wildlife trade isses. Our organisations have a long and productive history of collaboration and share a strong programmatic imperative to address the conservation threats and opportunities related to trade in wildlife and their impact on people and sustainable development. We plan and implement action on wildlife trade collaboratively, engaging our distinct organisational strengths and often work together through joint initiatives and projects.
international conventions
We work particularly closely with major international conventions concerning wildlife trade and sustainable development; providing the latest information and expert analysis to guide decision-making processes.
inter-governmental organisations
Inter-governmental organisations can often be the most effective way of cementing international commitments within highly specialised areas. TRAFFIC provides expert advice, analysis and insight to help guide policy and regulatory decisions

In the case of legal wildlife trade, ensuring businesses adopt responsible sourcing practices and develop traceability frameworks is a top priority in the move towards sustainable trade. Engaging the private sector in identifying supply chains and platforms at risk of exploitation by wildlife traffickers helps us fight back against illegal trade.

non-governmental organisations
Partnerships with strategic, like-minded NGOs helps us maximise our conservation impact. We have collaborated with a wide range of organisations both in the field, across supply chains, within policy, and beyond.

other partnerships
We also work with a number of academic, research, and university organisations helping to maximise our conservation impact.

financial support for TRAFFIC’s work
Our work would not be possible without the financial contribution and support of many organisations and individuals. Our Case for Support illustrates the impact of philanthropy, and you can view the full list of our donors here. We thank all the supporters of our work, including those below for their investment in TRAFFIC's work: