Ecuador: uso y comercio de plantas medicinales situation actual y aspectos importantes para su conservacion
Published: 1 January 1999
C.X. Buitron. (1999).
download (7.6 MB pdf)Medicinal Plant Trade in Europe: Conservation and Supply. Proceedings
Published: 1 January 1999
214pp. 22-23 June 1998, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. First International symposium on the conservation of medicinal plants in trade in Europe. Organized by: TRAFFIC Europe in collaboration with WWF, IUCN/SSC Medicinal Plant Specialist Group, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
download (3.9 MB pdf)Sustainable Utilisation of Wildlife Medicinals in East and Southern Africa: A Challenge for Health and Natural Resources Sector
Published: 1 December 1998
Proceedings of a workshop, 2-4 December 1998, Nairobi, Kenya. Published by: TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa.
download (1.1 MB pdf)Management and Trade of Parrots in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Published: 7 October 1998
download (8.6 MB pdf)Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food
Published: 1 October 1998
Executive Summary. Samuel K.H. Lee. (October 1998). 65pp.
download (90 KB pdf)Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food
Published: 1 October 1998
Samuel K.H. Lee. (October 1998). 65pp.
download (3.2 MB pdf)Imports of Indonesian Marine Products into the European Union 1990-1995
Published: 1 October 1998
(October 1998). Caroline Raymakers
download (15.4 MB pdf)The Impact of Nest Collection on the Edible-nest Swiftlet Collocalia fuciphaga in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Published: 15 September 1998
download (2.9 MB pdf)Searching for a Cure: Conservation of Medicinal Wildlife Resources in East and Southern Africa
Published: 1 September 1998
Nina T. Marshall. (September 1998). 112pp. ISBN 1 85850 151 2 (ISBN 978 1 85850 151 2). This report presents the results of an 18-month study of the trade in medicinal plants and animals in 17 countries. It identifies 102 medicinal plant species and 29 animal species as priorities for conservation, management or research. It also includes a wide range of general recommendations. Species in Danger series.
download (10.2 MB pdf)The US Role in the International Live Reptile Trade: Amazon Tree Boas to Zululand Dwarf Chameleons
Published: 1 September 1998
Craig Hoover. September 1998. 59pp. This report presents the findings of an analysis of global trade data and a review of the trade in approximately 100 reptiles
download (6.8 MB pdf)