CITES: TRAFFIC Recommendations made public
Cambridge, UK, 11 April 2007—TRAFFIC’s Recommendations on the proposals to amend the Appendices of CITES (the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) have been released today.

The Recommendations were drawn up following lengthy consultation with wildlife experts worldwide. Each CITES Proposal has been analysed in depth by IUCN and TRAFFIC.
“We’re delighted to make TRAFFIC’s Recommendations available before the forthcoming CITES meeting (CoP14),” said Steven Broad, Director of TRAFFIC.
“TRAFFIC’s Recommendations are based on the best scientific information currently available. We’re confident these Recommendations, read in conjunction with the IUCN-TRAFFIC Analyses of the Proposals, offer CITES Parties the best conservation advice on which to base their decisions.”
Marine issues will feature prominently at CoP14, with Proposals for Appendices listing for sharks, coral and lobsters, as well as more regular CITES issues, such as elephant ivory and rhinos. Other Proposals relate to wildlife ranging from lorises and lizards to plants and timber.
TRAFFIC’s Recommendations and the IUCN-TRAFFIC Analyses are available om, whilst printed copies will be distributed at the CoP14 meeting.
CITES CoP14 will take place in The Hague, The Netherlands from 3–15 June.