Pendants, Powder and Pathways smuggling routes and techniques in the illicit trade in African rhino horn

Published 01 Tháng chín 2017


Organized criminal gangs behind rhino horn processing in South Africa

Facilitated by highly adaptive transnational criminal networks, the global illegal trade in African rhino horn is driven by seemingly insatiable consumer demand in Asia. This assessment aims to deepen understanding of smuggling techniques and the highly adaptive routes that facilitate the movement of African rhino horn along the illicit rhino horn supply chain.

Pendants, Powder and Pathways: smuggling routes and techniques in the illicit trade in African rhino horn

Report author(s):
Sade Moneron, Nicola Okes and Julian Rademeyer

Publication date:
September 2017

About ReTTA

ReTTA is a TRAFFIC project aiming to Reduce Trade Threats to Africa’s Wild Species and Ecosystems. The project is funded by Arcadia—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.