© naturepl.com Jeff Vanuga WWF
TRAFFIC Bulletin Volume 31, No. 1 (May 2019)
Vol. 31(1) individual articles
- TWIX for the Southern African region: promoting information sharing and co-operation to reduce illegal wildlife trade in SADC region
- Safeguarding Asian songbirds: inaugural meeting of the IUCN Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group
short reports
- Updates from Sharm El-Sheikh: CBD CoP14 and 2nd CPW Wildlife Forum
- The presence of protected reptiles from Sri Lanka in international commercial trade
- Enhancing management of and benefit flows from Viet Nam’s wild medicinal products
- Investigations into the illegal wildlife trade in central Lao PDR
- Lagos, Nigeria: a snapshot survey of the illegal ivory market
- A rapid assessment of the trade in Saiga Antelope horn in Peninsular Malaysia