: 2582 pages found
News Articles
- (May 2021): Leading international organisations convene ahead of Endangered Species’ Day to strengthen efforts to combat illegal trade of Africa’s wildlife.
- (May 2021): Enhancing law enforcement collaboration in the fight against wildlife crime in Cameroon
- (May 2021): Fourteen young dogs join the race to become India's wildlife sniffer dogs
- (May 2021): TRAFFIC推出全球首个3D打印鲨鱼鳍,助力打击非法野生动物贸易
- (Apr 2021): China’s tourism industry commits to strengthening its efforts in tackling wildlife trafficking
- (Mar 2021): Social media platform TikTok joins the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online
- (Mar 2021): Global vaccination programmes at risk without careful stewardship of critical wild ingredients such as shark squalene
- (Mar 2021): Tackling Corruption in a Time of Crisis
- (Mar 2021): Critically Endangered Hornbill gets a protection boost in Thailand.
- (Mar 2021): Enforcement agencies train together to stop wildlife trafficking across India’s Himalayas
- (Mar 2021): Thai maritime stakeholders join forces in tackling the illegal wildlife trade
- (Mar 2021): 天然森林资源的可持续贸易对经济、健康和生态保护作出了巨大贡献
- (Mar 2021): New enforcement tools to help curb the illegal seashell trade in India
- (Mar 2021): New research reveals Japanese attitudes towards exotic pets despite the potential risks
- (Feb 2021): Indonesia kicks off 2021 with a bumper crop of bird seizures
- (Feb 2021): Post-2020 global biodiversity framework must focus on sustainable use, strong indicators and the links with human health
- (Feb 2021): 日本将濒危特有爬行和两栖动物列入CITES附录,以避免来自非法国际宠物贸易的威胁
- (Feb 2021): Online campaign urges people not to buy, eat, wear or own protected wildlife species and their products
- (Feb 2021): 非法贸易威胁菲律宾特有巨蜥
- (Jan 2021): New leadership at TRAFFIC
- (Jan 2021): 中老海关在打击跨境濒危物种走私的会议上达成共识
- (Jan 2021): Digital course on preventing wildlife trafficking in the supply chain now available in multiple languages
- (Dec 2020): 从非法贸易中获救的11只苏门答腊猩猩被返还
- (Dec 2020): Shoppers urged to support responsibly sourced wild plant products this Christmas by looking for FairWild label
- (Dec 2020): 新发布的识别指南,将协助执法官员打击金三角地区的野生物犯罪
- (Dec 2020): IUCN Red List update highlights perilous state of world shark populations
- (Dec 2020): TRAFFIC initiative to drive down tiger product consumption in Viet Nam
- (Nov 2020): 五只老虎活体以及一个虎头在泰国动物园内被查获
- (Nov 2020): TRAFFIC and Vietnamese government discuss communications strategies to counter wildlife trafficking
- (Nov 2020): Hardwood industry leaders in China sign initiative to curb illegal wildlife trade
- (Nov 2020): New East Africa Association of Prosecutors website to enhance regional collaboration in the enforcement and prosecution of wildlife crime
- (Nov 2020): “Wildlife Conservation 20”向G20传递信息:投资于自然,还是面临生物多样性崩溃和未来疾病大流行风险
- (Nov 2020): TRAFFIC and the National Assembly of Viet Nam plan strengthened wildlife legislation and communications
- (Nov 2020): 中国与刚果盆地国家的海关当局举办线上研讨会,制定打击非法野生动物和木材贸易的策略
- (Nov 2020): 两栖动物宠物贸易、缅甸的消费者特征研究以及如何评估终端市场干预措施:在最新的TRAFFIC半年期刊中的一系列精彩议题
- (Nov 2020): 大量盔犀鸟头骨和其他野生动物身体部分在印度尼西亚被查获
- (Nov 2020): Joint FAO-TRAFFIC workshop on Sustainable health care, well-being and nutrition raises the profile of wild plants
- (Oct 2020): 香甜贸易:推动中亚地区的甘草贸易的可持续性
- (Oct 2020): Arcadia额外赠予300万美元,用于支持TRAFFIC在非洲濒危野生物的保护工作
- (Oct 2020): 626公斤象牙在喀麦隆被查获
- (Oct 2020): TRAFFIC和VCCI通过推动智能旅游实现可持续发展
- (Oct 2020): During the Covid-19 era, internet enterprises gather to clamp down on illegal wildlife trade
- (Oct 2020): 南方蓝鳍金枪鱼的消息喜忧参半:种群数量正在恢复,但仍面临来自印度尼西亚的过度捕捞
- (Oct 2020): 国际合作伙伴要求采取基于实践和科学的应对措施减少人畜共患病传播风险
- (Oct 2020): TRAFFIC发布大象贸易信息系统线上平台
- (Oct 2020): 木材合法性培训讲习班在喀麦隆成功举办
- (Oct 2020): TRAFFIC全球首席执行官变化
- (Sep 2020): 中国海关加强对木材贸易复杂性的关注
- (Sep 2020): 国际海事组织将制定防止和打击野生动植物走私的指导方针
- (Sep 2020): TRAFFIC加入欧洲委员会建立的全球生物多样性联盟
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